The Art of Communication & Teamwork
Increase your effectiveness and discover how to be “listening driven”
versus the need to get your point across and the difference it makes.
One of the most costly business issues facing companies is the loss of productivity due to misunderstanding, miscommunications, resisting what someone else is saying and the amount of wasted effort by working on the wrong things. Then, there is a barrage of ad hock meetings that go on forever.
It has been estimated that the lack of clear communication and lengthy meeting costs about 25% to 40% of a person’s and an organization’s time. This translates into significant amount of lost revenue, time and ineffectiveness in successfully moving the business forward.
Signs a shift is needed in the communication of the organization:
- Polite coexistence where people operate by themselves, do the work and leave.
- Lack of alignment or direction in the group or department
- Discontent, high personnel turnover.
- Gossip and “water cooler talk” is evident in the organization.
- The business results are stagnant or declining
- Reasons and justifications for why something didn’t get done equals a pass.
- Work product is subpar or incomplete.
- Deadlines and deliverables are missed.
- Undermining, back stabbing and arguing are a frequent occurrence.
- Dominating and controlling conversations is how things get done.
The Art of Communication & Teamwork (ACT) is a process of shifting a group of people to a High Preforming Team driving the business intentions. It aligns everyone on the team with the organization's core principles / values and brings an alignment with the goals and objectives. The focus shifts from being individuals working to people partnering for a common purpose – the success of the organization.
The ACT process shifts the dynamics of the group of people from:
- A culture of “speaking driven” based communications, where it is important to get your point across TO being “listening driven” where listening keenly to a person’s communication leaves you with what they said and the thinking behind what was been said. It leaves you and them aligned and on the same page for what there is to get done and by when.
- Being a group of individuals working on task or project TO being on a team in a coordinated movement of action where there is an ebb and flow of work that allows a velocity to any project.
- The conversations amongst the group moves from opinions and personal thoughts TO responsibility and accountability. The conversations becomes more about what will make the biggest difference now for the project and the organization.
The ACT process will engage each participant in conversations, exercises and group work where they will discover and be trained in:
- The design and very nature of how the human being paradigm of communication works and what has it be “speaking” driven.
- Where does real “listening” come from and how to access it on demand.
- How to significantly increase your communication effectiveness.
- How to elicit the best from others in communication while expanding your relatedness with them.
- The group will take on an “impossible” project that can only be fulfilled by a “team,” is consistent with the organizational goals, will make a significant contribution and be completed during the ACT process.